Lecture series on the universalist thought of the open
16 Nov 2011

If you are in Stockholm between 17 to 22 November, I will be talking over skype on limits and possibilities of speculative thought within a universalist framework.
Details below:
In this seminar Reza Negarestani will take a systematic approach to the modern landscape of thought where reason and speculation, earth and cosmos, regional and universal resources of thought intermingle and synthesize so as to deliver us ��� remorselessly ��� into the open. Beginning with a geocosmic reappropriation of Freud’s and Ferenczi’s theories of trauma and a universal reinstatement of Darwin’s evolutionary thesis characterized by Peirce as a major trajectory of speculative thought, Negarestani outlines a modern landscape of thought fully in accord with the revolutionary imports of Darwin’s assault on Aristotelian essentialism and Freud’s transcendental evacuation of human conscious experience. By navigating this modern landscape and highlighting its terrains and boundaries via figures such as Charles Darwin, Sigmund Freud, Sandor Ferenczi, Wilhelm Reich, Charles Sanders Peirce, Fernando Zalamea, Lorenzo Magnani, Guerino Mazzola and Gabriel Catren, Negarestani develops an asymptotic thought of the open ��� a universalist mode of thought at last cut loose from the overgrown lineage of planetary myopias.
Dates and Times
17 Nov 10.00 ��� 13.30
Introduction to seminar and Reza Negarestani by M?�rten Sp?�ngberg

Reza Negarestani Seminar 1: The Map and the Compass
��� Outlining the modern landscape of thought (a schema)
��� Sketching a speculative philosophy for navigating the modern landscape (a scheme)
��� Introducing alternative speculative schemes

18 Nov 10.00 ��� 12.30

Reza Negarestani Seminar 2: The Pit and the Pendulum
��� Universal continuum and a modern conception of the Earth
��� Toward a geophilosophical realism, or a systematically focused universalist philosophy

19 Nov 10.00 ��� 12.30

Reza Negarestani Seminar 3: The Universal and the Regional
��� Universalizing tensions and syntheses of the modern landscape (a geocosmic deepening of trauma)
��� A traumatic rehabilitation of the terrestrial horizon of thought

21 Nov 10.00 ��� 12.30

Reza Negarestani Seminar 4: The Earthman and the Open (150 mins)
��� Traumatic syntheses and the open
��� A non-trivial conception of openness and its revolutionary import

22 Nov 10.00 ��� 13.00

Reza Negarestani Seminar 5: The Trans-and-Absolutely Modern Man (180 mins)
��� Logic of alternatives and developing the asymptotic thought of the open
��� Modern man, or the enforcer of openness
Closing discussion and final notes with M?�rten Sp?�ngberg

Location: University of Dance and Circus – DOCH
Brinellv?�gen 58, T-bana Tekniska H??gskolan
Stockholm, Sweden

Anders Jacobson, course assistant