
‘I Feel I am a Pure Metaphysician’

The Consequences of Deleuze’s Affirmation


I have often noted the remarkable extent to which, since 1981, this affirmation has transformed the major axes of my interpretation of Deleuze. And for good reason: In an anti-metaphysical epoch wholly occupied, in Heidegger’s wake, with ‘overcoming metaphysics as one overcomes tears’, here is a philosopher who dares to affirm his filiation with Bergson and Whitehead. It is important first of all not to doubt the sincerity of his remarks, and this against the tendency (Cressole, Badiou) that would attribute to Deleuze postures devised primarily with a view to the effects his words would have upon his students. Furthermore, it is important explicitly to draw out their consequences for his philosophy, and then for philosophy as a whole. This is what I propose to do here…