Philosophy of Sound conference
18 Jun 2015

The University of the West of England (UWE) presents its Philosophy Annual Graduate Conference in Bristol on Saturday, June 20, at Spike Island, 133 Cumberland Road, Bristol BS1 6UX.

Register free by emailing with the subject “registration” in order to attend.
Philosophy of Sound: Collaborations in Ontology, (Meta)Physics, and Experience
Daniel Bennet 11:00 : Towards a Resistive Electronic Music
Fabio Ceravolo (University of Leeds) 11.30 : Is a succession of experiences an experience of succession? (I think so, Mr. Husserl)
Alessandra Buccella (University of Pittsburgh) 12.30 : A “two-plied” theory of sounds
Inigo Wilkins (Goldsmiths, University of London) 14:00 : Multi-Scale Noise and the Absolute Process of Sound
Mattin (University of the Basque Country) 15:30 : What am I doing?